Schedule In-Home Flooring Measure
The home depot | Mobile & WEB UX/UI Design
Schedule In-Home Measure is a service provided by the Home Depot to customers who are interested in getting a quote for materials and installation for their flooring project. The flooring professional comes out to customers' homes, creates floor measurements and then provides quotes for different floor types the customer is interested in installing. Once a customer has their floor measurements complete, they can clearly understand how much of a certain product they need to purchase and what it will cost.
The current Schedule In-Home Measure tool has a low conversion rate. Company’s goal is to sell more of the flooring products to their customers, however without having a successful tool that helps customers schedule a measure of their floors and receiving product and installation quote, Home Depot’s goal to increase flooring material sales becomes challenging.
Business goal: Increase sales of the flooring materials.
Customer goal: Get a quote for the flooring materials needed to complete the home improvement project.
The goal of the Schedule In-Home Measure project is to improve the user experience of an existing online tool by making it intuitive and friendly to schedule in-home floor measurement. As a result, this will help Home Depot receive more floor measurement appointments, which will lead to more sales of the flooring materials. Customers should feel delighted using this tool and know they are one step closer to getting their flooring project done.
Investigation & RESEARCH
To kick off the project, I began by investigating and understanding the flooring business of the company. That included meeting with stakeholders, engineers, customer service team, as well as meeting with flooring associates at the Home Depot stores to thoroughly understand the entire customer journey from researching different flooring products to installing new floors.
After getting a clear picture from the business perspective, I begun to research the floor buying process from the customer’s perspective. I have met with one customer who was in the process of remodeling her home, and I’ve shadowed her experience in choosing, buying and installing new carpet from the Home Depot. I’ve documented all happy and unhappy moments of the customer's journey.
I’ve conducted a thorough user testing of the existing scheduling experience by using service and recruited people who were interested in remodeling their floors. The user testing has helped me identify problem areas in the existing experience. Overall users felt that the form was very long and confusing. I’ve presented the report with all of my findings to stakeholders and recommendations of the possible user experience improvements.
Flowchart Diagram
I’ve worked closely with the Product Manager and Engineers to design a flowchart diagram that clearly showed a step-by-step process of the user experience. The flowchart helped everyone to see a snapshot all of the steps customers must go through to schedule an in-home flooring measure.
I’ve created several wireframe concepts for desktop and mobile, and shared them with immediate team members for the feedback. Upon thorough review of the feedback from the team members, I’ve made final design decisions and moved on to turn wireframes into high fidelity mockups.
High Fidelity Mockups
At this stage of the project, using design style guide, user interface components and interactions, I’ve designed a high fidelity mockups for the new and improved version of the Schedule In-Home Measure tool. During this stage I have also worked closely with a Copywriter, who has helped create meaningful and descriptive content throughout the tool.
User Testing
Before sending all of the mockups to developers, I had to validate my designs through user testing. I’ve developed a user testing plan and launched the test using tool. After review of all of the user feedback, I was happy to find that 99.8% of the users provided a positive feedback. User testing has helped us make informative decisions to move forward with the development of the new user experience. Users felt that the new UX/UI was intuitive, conversational and simple. My biggest concern of the new experience was multiple steps, however during the testing, users were not concerned about the number of steps, as the steps were logical and very quick to complete.
Development & QA
Using tools such as Zeplin, Pivotal Tracker and Jira, I’ve worked closely with the development team to make sure the designs were developed according to specs and all of the interaction elements were working properly on mobile and web. Upon completion of the development, I’ve helped to test numerous user scenarios and report any issues that had to be fixed before the release of the new experience.
Launch and Learn
The most exciting phase of the project was a launch day! However, to play it safe, for the first 2 weeks, we have set up an A/B split test where version A (the original experience of the Schedule In-Home Measure tool) received 50% of the traffic and version B (the new design) received the other 50% of the traffic. We have closely monitored the conversion metric during the soft launch period and were excited to see a 22% increase in conversion rate. After the 2 week testing period, the new design was rolled out to 100% of the visitors.